Thursday, February 16, 2012


Why has been floating around in my head for awhile--why am I doing this? Am I trying to prove something? A lot of people have said to me, "there is nothing wrong with makeup, it makes me feel good to pull myself together."

Me too. I love make up. I love how I can pretend to be an artist, with the different colors and options. I can be anyone that I want to be depending on my mood. It's fun, it can be sexy, and make me feel like I stand out.

But that's not the point. The point is (for me at least) is the feeling of letting go. I have been dealing with some of the same issues for so many years now yet have been approaching them in the same way year after year. That's just silly and the issues weren't being dealt with. So what happens if you take away the beloved, trusty mascara. You know the scary answer? I like it. I love the freedom of no makeup. I love that this is my face, I love the extra time, the feel of just being clean, fresh and me. It is so strangely liberating.

I've heard from a lot of people--well, I've never worn makeup so this is easy for me. Again, not the point. The point is taking yourself out of your comfort circle. Maybe your comfort circle is makeup, maybe it's texting rather than face to face or calling. Comfort circles come in many different forms. You may have never worn a stitch of makeup in your life however the thought of picking up the phone and calling someone picks up your pulse a little. Or perhaps telling a friend how you really feel sends you running for cover. The point is doing the thing that you think would be so hard to do. For me it was looking someone in the eye without having any make up on.

Take it from me--when you finally face one of those insecurities head on it's an incredible accomplishment.

Okay, I've been concluding my blogs with a woman I think is beautiful. This time I would like to talk about my sister Alyson. Smart, organized, super Aunt, runner, biker, "green" renegade, artist, friend that anyone would love to have...the list goes on. She has been a force in my life and someone that I have looked up to, tried to emulate for 30 years now. This girl was with me when I finished my first half marathon, the reason I got through calculus and the person who can make me smile (and laugh uncontrollably in the most uncomfortable times).

Until next time!

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