Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 3...Out Naked!!

This year Indianapolis was host to the Super Bowl. Along with about 250k of my closest friends, i was not going to miss out on anything. The week before it was the usual pre-game... Hair straightener, bronzer, blush, mascara (X's 2) and lipstick. An hour later I'm ready to find my shoes. This week I went the face at least. :)
This was the first test, and it was a good one. It was strange, going out make up free. I felt like I had to tell everyone I talked to what I was doing. Sure, I'm proud of this challenge but truth be told it was a defense mechanism. By the end of the night I was proud... Here this girl who for 14 years couldn't look someone in the face without mascara was "out on the town" with a naked face.

Beautiful Woman in my life time: my mother in law. If I had to describe her in one word it would be saint. How many woman do you know who is the first to help someone in medical situations, will befriend an elderly woman and take her to her weekly doctor appointments, and on top of that has absolutely no problem standing up in front of a packed tour bus and give directions. This past winter she and I took a bus trip to Chicago to do some Christmas shopping. The bus driver was having issues with his I-pass on the toll roads--so my mother in law, Vicky Fiorenza got out of the bus, in the middle of busy Chicago traffic and fixed it. Then when the driver had issues with parking on one of the busy side roads, she went and set a stubborn driver straight...little did she know it was a police officer. :) I believe this woman could do anything, granted she has her nonfat, extra hot, mocha with whipped cream in her hand. I feel truly blessed to be a part of the Fiorenza family.

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